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Python representation of the mkdocs_theme.yml file

These data classes aren't used directly, just used as easy to read representation of all options.



extends: str = 'material'

This theme extends Material for MkDocs


nype_config: NypeConfig | dict = {}

Global Nype theme configuration. Can be updated in page.meta.nype_config per page.


is_serve: bool

Global container for local serve status, can be set in mkdocs.yml, but there is a fallback in nype-base.html


Bases: dict

nype_config is a dict and is used to separate configuration for the theme from the rest of the project.

Some values can be set globally in mkdocs.yml and some only locally in page.meta. Some global values can be overriden via page.meta or hooks.

So there are 3 kinds of nype_config:

  • theme-level, fetched from mkdocs.yml.theme.nype_config,
  • meta-level, fetched from page.meta.nype_config,
  • page-level, merged from adding theme + meta into one, overriding options with the latter when needed
  name: nype
      some_value: true
    old_prefix: V2020
  js_include: old_prefix
# Page title


blog_card_: str

Multiple blog_card_ prefixed variables to control the blog-cards templates

  • blog_card_icon - SVG icon path to use for a given card, defaults to material/file-document
  • blog_card_title - Title of the blog card with format
  • blog_card_description - Description of the blog card with format

page-level setting


container_css: str

Whitespace separated names of nype-{name} CSS style classes that will influence the container. Refer to the nype-main.css file for all available options.

meta-level setting

E.g.: container_css: 'hide-h1 content-only'


css_include: str

Whitespace separated names of CSS files that will be included before nype-main.css and project extra.css. Refer to the templates/assets/stylesheets directory for all available files.

meta-level setting

E.g.: css_include: 'neoteroi'


discord_: str

Multiple discord_ prefixed variables used in the macro.

  • js.discord_invite - invite link passed to JavaScript
  • discord_header - invite card header
  • discord_logo - invite card logo
  • discord_title - invite card title
  • discord_button - invite button text

meta-level setting


exclude_via_robots: str

Multi-line string with paths to exclude via robots.txt file

theme-level setting


footer_nav: list[str | dict[str, str]]

Paths to files to include in the footer nav / dict with title and path.

theme-level setting

Default footer_nav set in nype_tweaks
    "Contact": "",
    "Impressum": "",
    "Offer": "",


giscus_: str

Multiple giscus_ prefixed variables used in the comments.html template

  • giscus_prefixes - Whitespace seprated list of path prefixes to constrain the inclusion of the comment.html file

    E.g. giscus_prefixes: blog/

  • giscus_category_name - Name of the category taken from Giscus creator

  • giscus_category_id - Id of the category taken from Giscus creator
  • giscus_repo_name - Repository name taken from Giscus creator, defaults to nypesap/
  • giscus_repo_id - Repository id taken from Giscus creator, defaults to MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkyNjYwNDcwNzM=

    Default target is:

  • giscus_term - Type of the way how the generated discussion title is resolved, omit to default to pathname

  • giscus_light_theme - Giscus light theme variant, defaults to light
  • giscus_dark_theme - Giscus dark theme variant, defaults to transparent_dark

page-level setting


head_tags: list[dict[str, dict[str, str]]]

List of HTML tag objects, which will be rendered in HTML for a given page. Page-Meta only.

page-level setting

E.g.: { "name": "script", "attributes": { "src": "https://...", "defer": "" } }


js: dict[str, Any]

Values that will be passed to JavaScript via HTML injection.

key: value, pairs where key is a string, and value Any other value, however deeply nested dicts weren't tested.

page-level setting

E.g.: contact_form_action_hex:


js_include: str

Whitespace separated names of non-js keys that will be passed on to the js too.

meta-level setting

E.g.: js_include: 'contact_form_action_hex contact_form_email_hex'

Why not simply, set them in js?

To avoid polluting every page with not needed data, better expose the values to js only on certain pages.


more_favicons: bool

Enable more favicon metadata. Requires proper file setup. Refer to the nype-base.html template for details.

theme-level setting


old_prefix: str

For 404 page, old prefix to redirect old links from if not found. Was used for V2020 of Fiori Tracker.

page-level setting


required_js: dict[str, None]

Container to hold required js keys to be included in a page. It's a dict, because it's created inside templates, where set() is not available.

Used in macros to enable check for added contact_form keys to not expose empty forms online without attached action.

page-level setting


safari_mask_color: str

Hex color to fill in the additional Safari SVG icon, enabled with more_favicons

theme-level setting