MkDocs plugin made to apply small tweaks that don't need to be their own plugin.
This plugin is activated automatically for all projects using the mkdocs_nype
theme. This happens in the validate_with_nype_plugin_injection
- URL collision detection tweak:
Automatically detect page URL collisions. This is useful when a blog plugin uses raw slugs and 2 pages can have the same slug.
- Theme
issue count handler tweak:
When the --strict
flag is used, warnings from the theme
were ignored. This tweak fixes it. TODO There is probably a better way, because if nype_tweaks
won't run automatically, due to an error, then this tweak will not be applied.
- Extend macros includes directory tweak:
only allows to set one directory for includes. However, the Jinja2.loaders.FileSystemLoader
supports a list of paths, so override the macros plugin reference to FileSystemLoader
- HEX data obfuscation tweak:
Some data should be obfuscated in plain HTML to make it harder for bots to scrape them. The obfuscation happens just before passing data to JavaScript. Later on this data is deobfuscated in JavaScript.
- Blog cards tweak:
To convert a normal blog post Excerpt
to a Grid Card some HTML needs to be read from the page.content
. The provided filter functions get called in the post-card.html
- Create
for page and sync with global tweak:
This was previously done at render time in nype-base.html
, but this is too late for blog cards meta placeholders. To use the global value for the placeholder better set it in the event. Errata: Turned out this train of thought was wrong, as the posts' on_page
events run after the blog index with the cards, so the tweak doesn't make things easier. Global placeholder loading was moved to the post-card.html
- Enable default tag icon tweak:
The Material tags plugin allows to set icons for each tag, however there is also the default icon, which isn't turned on without setting other icon mappings. The tweak sets the required settings to show the default icon on tags.
To allow normal file system paths in the nype_config->footer_nav this tweak needed to be implemented to convert the file system paths into the URLs used in the copyright.html
- robots.txt tweak:
To help scrapers with avoiding certain path, the plugin generates a robots.txt file. It contains a static list of paths to the custom GTAG tracking, and allows to add paths via theme.nype_config.exclude_via_robots
MIT License 2024 Kamil Krzyśków (HRY) for Nype (
mkdocs_nype/macros_includes directory
Logger instance for this plugin.
Bases: BasePlugin[NypeTweaksConfig]
Break convention of max 100 priority
_on_page_markdown_social_meta(markdown: str, /, *, page: Page, config: MkDocsConfig, files: Files) -> str | None
Run after community version Social plugin
_on_page_markdown_robots(markdown: str, /, *, page: Page, config: MkDocsConfig, files: Files) -> str | None
Set the meta noindex value for draft_paths
The context needs to be prepared for both the templates like 404.html and Pages Create nype_config for page and sync with global tweak