mkdocs_nype.plugins.custom_cta_sections.config CustomCallToActionSectionsConfig Bases: ConfigExample config- custom_cta_sections: title: Need something similar? cta: ':fontawesome-solid-handshake: Get a quote' target: paths: - docs/projects/posts enabled enabled = Type(bool, default=True) paths paths = ListOfItems(Type(str)) List of string relative paths to directories or files. Can start with docs/, but don't have to. append_at append_at = Choice(('start', 'end'), default='end') Where to append the section cta cta = Type(str) Call to Action prompt like Buy Now target target = Type(str) Target path of the CTA endpoint file title title = Type(str) Title of the CTA section variant variant = Choice(('title_and_cta',), default='title_and_cta') Variant choice