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MkDocs Nype theme, based on the Material for MkDocs theme.

This file gets loaded by MkDocs before plugins are initialized. Therefore, this is a good place to monkey-patch changes into the build process.

Consider both nype/ and material/ namespaces when loading plugins

Due to how themename/pluginname namespaces work to make using Nype projects more convenient we change the logic of how namespaces are resolved. pluginname will be resolved in order:

  1. nype/pluginname
  2. material/pluginname
  3. pluginname

Inject predefined plugins for loading even when they're not in mkdocs.yml

Instead of requiring to enable a plugin in a project mkdocs.yml, enable it by default. This allows nype_tweaks to operate as a project manager for the entirety of the event loop.

Extend Material theme plugins directly

Instead of configuring other plugins and overriding internals of mkdocs-material plugins during the event loop, extend them before they're loaded into "Python MkDocs memory". This allows to directly modify how the PluginConfig is resolved, therefore allows to add options directly under the extended plugin in mkdocs.yml instead of under another plugin.

MIT License 2024 Kamil Krzyśków (HRY) for Nype (


LOG: PrefixedLogger = PrefixedLogger('mkdocs_nype', getLogger(f'mkdocs.themes.mkdocs_nype'))


issue_counter = CountHandler()

This is fetched in nype_tweaks to trigger --strict flag based on


WANTED_PLUGINS: tuple[PluginEntry] = (PluginEntry('nype_tweaks', scope='nype'), PluginEntry('minify_html', config={'enabled': _parse_env_flag(), 'keep_html_and_head_opening_tags': True, 'keep_closing_tags': True}), PluginEntry('webp_images', scope='nype', config={'enabled': _parse_env_flag(), 'ignore_paths': dedent(strip())}))

Tuple of wanted PluginEntries. Scope can be None. Config can be None to use defaults.


PluginEntry(name: str, scope: str = None, config: dict = None)

Used for injecting plugins


name: str


scope: str = None


config: dict = None



Monkey patches the load_plugin_with_namespace function after confirming that the hash is the same.


load_plugin_with_namespace(self, name: str, config)

Adapted code from the MkDocs 1.6.0 repository. Modification adds material/pluginname fallback.



Monkey patches the run_validation function after confirming that the hash is the same.


run_validation(self, value: object) -> mkdocs.plugins.PluginCollection

Adapted code from the MkDocs 1.6.0 repository. Modification adds nype_tweaks plugin when missing.


_get_checksum(source: str) -> str

Remove comments, spaces, turn lowercase to get a minified token and return a sha256 hash from it


_parse_env_flag(varname: str = 'CI', default: bool = False) -> bool

Parse environment variable as a flag for injected plugin config